Eureka Font Download is available free from FontGet. Eureka is a Free Font for commercial use created by Peter Wiegel. Eureka is a Fancy type font that can be used on any device such as PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. This font has 1 styles available
Google Translate says:
1816: Benjamin cancer adds the inherited from his father bookstore added a foundry and makes a definitive work on the art of printing a name. After he has given little by little the bookstore and print shop to his brother, he is 1857, the foundry to his son and his friend Gustav Rosalino and typeface designer Hermann Poppelbaum. Around 1905, these take the Art Nouveau commercial font Eureka on the program.
2010: After more than 100 years, it is with me now in digital form, some special characters I unfortunately had to reinvent itself, maybe someone of them has the original prints? But also so much fun with it.