Statement Font Download is available free from FontGet. Statement is a Free Font for commercial use created by Steve Gardner. Statement is a Sans Serif type font that can be used on any device such as PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. This font has 3 styles available
Emboss Statement Regular
Sans Statement Regular
Shadow Statement Regular).
The three fonts available here are Sans Statement, Shadow Statement and Emboss Statement.
They can all be used on their own, however, another possible use of the Emboss variation is to enable to creation of a customised 'shadow' version that allows users to apply a different colours to the characters and shadow. Please see the image below for an example of how this might work.
This will require a little experimentation with the tracking and/or kerning, but it's worth it for the additional flexibility.
These fonts are all free to use for both personal and commercial projects. I'd love to see examples of any work you produce with these fonts, but that is not a condition of their use.