Slaberlin Font Download is available free from FontGet. Slaberlin is a Free Font for commercial use created by Antonio Rodrigues Jr. Slaberlin is a Headline type font that can be used on any device such as PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. This font has 3 styles available
Slaberlin Regular
Slaberlin Bold
Slaberlin Extra Bold).
Berlin is a group of display fonts inspired by the classic geometric typefaces from early last century. It features (so far) four versions, each one in three weights: regular, bold & X-bold.
Earlier this year Mark and I started working on Mr Red’s re-designs. Back then we thought about creating a font system to be used on the sayings and promo material.
I am still far from being a type designer, and the process was taking too much time. We ended up deciding for the handmade designs and the font was put on hold.
Nonetheless, I kept on working on it in my spare time and managed to finish a few versions: Berlin, Berlina, Slaberlin and Überlin, all in three weights (Regular, Bold and X-Bold, plus Berlin’s Regular Italics).
They have been named after a song from R.E.M.’s latest album, which I was listening to over and over while working on the first versions of the main characters.