Hanoble Font Download is available free from FontGet. Hanoble is a Free Font for personal use created by Yuge Afrianto. Hanoble is a Basic type font that can be used on any device such as PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. This font has 1 styles available
Hanoble is a stylish modern font with ligature-rich Serif. Minimalist character that allowing you to easily edit the designs. It is perfect for branding, wedding invites and cards, and maybe for some project.
What you get dear! You wil get:
150 Special ligatures
Hanoble OTF
This type family has been a real labour of love, making it as accessible as possible and a pleasure use. I really hope you enjoy it!
Any questions or custom license queries please don't hesitate to get in touch, afriantoooyuge@gmail.com