Go Baaa Handwritten Comic Font Download is available free from FontGet. Go Baaa Handwritten Comic is a Free Font for personal use created by David den Ouden. Go Baaa Handwritten Comic is a Script type font that can be used on any device such as PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. This font has 1 styles available
Go Baaa Handwritten Comic Regular Webfont).
This font or typeface, Go Baaa Handwritten Comic Regular, was made primarily for myself. To use my own fonts in my cartoons and comic strips, my corporate design and my website. It was designed in November 2017, on paper with a brush pen. Feel free to use the font for whatever purpose you like!
If you like the font, a donation is well appreciated.
VERSION: 1.1 (November 2017)
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)
MANUFACTURER NAME: DdO Creatieve Diensten en Consultancy
DESIGNER NAME: David den Ouden
DESCRIPTION: Handwritten brush pen font for cartoons and comic strips.
LICENSE DESCRIPTION: This typeface is free for personal and commercial use. You are free to copy and transmit this typeface. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this typeface.