Cheri Font Download is available free from FontGet. Cheri is a Free Font for personal use created by Font-a-licious. Cheri is a Fancy type font that can be used on any device such as PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. This font has 2 styles available
Cheri Liney
Cheri Regular).
Tonight I was sitting around writing a love letter to my number one fan, Jessica Alba, and I said to myself, "Hey, the kids need a font to play with for Valentine's Day! That Kinkie font is so old hat." So I sat down in front of good old Cubert and the fingers starting jazzercizing to this little so-and-so. I think you'll find it playful enough for those sweet nothings you write to that shy goofball that sits in the back row of Advanced Calculus. And since I'm one who's never at a loss for words, I decided to go ahead and make you some valentines cards as well to give to that old rapscallion. When you get to third base on the first date after giving him one of these Valentine's, don't forget who made it happen for you.