Working titles for this font were obvious things like "Crime Wave" and "Criminologist" and such along those lines. But then I decided it'd be cute to name it after somebody dead and latinate, which is common for serious typefaces but downright silly for a munged typewriter font. I like silly. Cesare Beccaria was an 18th-century Italian who wrote what is probably the first really important book on crime, see, so it all works together if you squint.
All that aside, I realized one day that I'd had fontmaking as a hobby for a couple of years now and still hadn't made any sort of typewriter font. Around the same time, I was doing a lot of work up at the public library downtown, including some typing, and Beccaria was born.
The ribbons on the library typewriters aren't THAT bad, of course; I exaggerated a little. But they're pretty rotten on some days! Since I built the font based on samples from a real typewriter, the character set is ALMOST a complete keyboard set - the couple of missing characters have been replaced by bullets.
If you're interested in licensing this font for public or organizational use, email me at (Javascript must be enabled to view this email address) and be sure to specify the font's title. I'll respond with instructions.