60 S Scoreboard Font Download is available free from FontGet. 60 S Scoreboard is a Free Font for personal use created by John Isles. 60 S Scoreboard is a Techno type font that can be used on any device such as PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. This font has 1 styles available
60 S Scoreboard).
60s Scoreboard is a recreation of the dot-matrix scoreboard displays of many sports stadiums past. This font was originally created on Fontstruct.com (original URL: http://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/343207/).
This font is free to download and use for personal, non-commercial purposes. If you enjoy this font and see yourself using it on a regular basis, please consider a donation of at least US$5 to qxz@verizon.net (or simply click on https://www.paypal.me/JohnIsles/5 to simplify the process).
For commercial usage of this font -- including, but not limited to, usage in advertisements (TV, print, and/or web), broadcasts (TV and/or web), professional printing, software, et. al. -- please contact me at john_h_isles@yahoo.com first before donating.
60s Scoreboard is (c) 2010-16 John H. Isles, iv and Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). This license is subject to modifications without any prior notice.